Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Stonefield Query Version 3.3 Build 3418

We posted an update to Stonefield Query version 3.3 today. It has the following new features and bug fixes:

  • You can now use expressions in subtable filters and the relationship for complex joins. Do this by preceding the expression with "=" or enclosing the expression in curly braces ({ and }).
  • A new ReportEngine.SetupCrystalReport event script allows you to customize the set up of a Crystal report object just prior to running the report.
  • Months displayed when dates are formatted to display as Month are now localized.
  • A message box that displayed if you used the dynamic font style feature in a report was removed.
  • A bug that caused an error when bringing up the About dialog for an unactivated Configuration Utility was fixed.
  • Stonefield Query now uses 18 decimals places when retrieving data from the database to prevent decimal values from being rounded.
  • A bug that caused an error when reactivating an expired Configuration Utility license was fixed.
  • You no longer get an error if fields are included in the group header of a summary report (for example, because "Include all fields in same table in group header" is turned on) and you have a field with "Show percentage of total" turned on.
  • A bug that caused an error when Stonefield Query is run for the first time and a second user runs it without the first user closing it was fixed.
  • A bug that caused the wrong record to be used when evaluating expressions in the subject or body of an email when "Output each group as a separate email" is turned on was fixed.
  • The recipient for an email is blanked at the end of a report run when "Output each group as a separate email" and "Get email address from" are turned on.
  • A bug that caused an error when using a DateTime field formatted as Week in the column of a cross-tab report was fixed.
  • A bug that caused an error when there's a field with "Show % of total" turned on, "Run report with no records" is turned on, and the filter condition is such that there are no records was fixed.
  • The column headings in a cross-tab report created in earlier versions of Stonefield Query no longer display "  /  /  ".
  • A bug that caused an error when a field has "Show percentage of total" turned on and you sort on that field in descending order was fixed.
  • A bug that caused an error when a calculated date field is displayed as Week in a report with "Summary report" turned off was fixed.
  • The percentage value for a field with "Show percentage of total" turn on no longer appears formatted as the field (e.g. $999,999.99) but as expected (that is, 999.9%) when the report is converted to an advanced layout report.
  • A bug that caused an error when using a subtable with VFP data was fixed.
  • You no longer get an error in the Configuration Utility editing a field that has “Display field from related table” turned on and the name of the field to display from the related table has delimiters (for example, “DESC”).
  • Dragging a report or folder to a blank part of the reports list in the Reports Explorer no longer makes the report or folder disappear (it was a display issue only in previous versions: the report or folder reappeared the next time you started Stonefield Query).
  • The default setting for the “Preview reports in tabbed pages” option in the Options dialog is now turned on so it’s consistent with the behavior in version 3.2.
  • A bug that caused an error if you have a report with a numeric field with "Show percentage of total" turned on and a date field formatted to display as Month or Week was fixed.
  • Negative percentage values for fields with "Show percentage of total" turned on are now formatted properly.
  • Grouping on a field that’s in the same table as another grouped field that has “Include all fields in same table in group header” turned on now works properly.
  • Stonefield Query no longer gives a warning if you try to output more than 65,536 rows to a Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet, since the limit is 1,048,576 (you will get a warning if you exceed that number). It will automatically change the file extension to “XLSX” because Excel requires that.